Dr.ir. J.H. Zheng – Senior Metallurgical Expert Co-Founder Technologica c.v. V.T. Thuy & Johan Winkelmans Development of Award-winning NACE Basic Corrosion Course Original E-Learning system Dr.ir. Rik-Wouter Bosch Electrochemical Frequency Modulation : A new electrochemical technique for on-line corrosion monitoring. NACEINTERNATIONAL A.B.Campbell AWARDfor best CORROSIONpublication in 2002 Dr.ir. Hilde Smets SCC analysis of austenitic stainless steel in chloridebearing water by means of neural network techniques. NACEINTERNATIONAL A.B.Campbell AWARD for best CORROSIONpublication in 1993 Prof. Walter Bogaerts – Chairman EDC-Technologica NACEINTERNATIONAL Fellowship Honor 2020 NACEINTERNATIONAL T.J. Hull Award 2001 Prof. A.S. Jovanovic Former European Commission staff member R&D pioneer in Risk & Resilience management Co-Founder Technologica c.v.